
Salary to hourly calculator

Alternative name: Salary to hourly converter, hourly rate calculator, hourly wage calculator, hourly pay calculator, Annual to hourly salary calculator

Use this calculator to calculate your hourly wage based on the annual salary and the number of work hours in a year. The hours are less holidays and public holidays. The number of yearly working hours prefilled in the calculator corresponds to a full-time position. The calculator does not account for taxes.

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Hourly salary: 29

How is the hourly salary calculated?
The hourly wage is calculated by taking the annual salary and dividing this by the number of working hours. Most workers have a 37.5 hours work week and five weeks holidays, a man-year work is 1695 working hours.

How do I calculate the hourly wage for a part-time position?
If you work part-time and want to use this calculator to calculate your hourly wage, you can use 1695 work hours and divide that by 100 and then multiply by your job percentage. For example, 1695/100 = 16.95 x 60 = 1017 working hours for a year for a 60% partial position.

How many workdays is it per year?
Normally, one tends to count on 230 working days per year.

How many work hours is it per year?
There is no one correct answer to this question. However, if you work 40 hours a week for 52 weeks you get 2080 working hours. If you subtract vacation and public holidays its more like 46 working weeks in a year, resulting in 1840 working hours.