Convert from kilohertz to radians per second

Alternative name: Convert kHz to rad/s

You can use this converter to convert the frequency in kilohertz (kHz) to the equivalent frequency in radians per second (rad/s).

The formula used in this frequency converter is listed below. There is also a kilohertz (kHz) to radians per second (rad/s) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 kilohertz is the same as:

3141593 radians per second

If you want to convert this frequency the other way around, try this converter: radians per second to kilohertz converter

Kilohertz can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for kilohertz to radians per second

We know that 1 kilohertz is the same as 6283 radian per second. This allows us to set up the following formula:

frequency(rad/s) = frequency(kHz) × 6283

6283 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a frequency from kilohertz to radians per second

Example usage of the kilohertz to radians per second formula

If you know the kilohertz (kHz) to radians per second (rad/s) formula, then you can calculate the frequency like this.

The example converts 500 kHz to the same frequency in radians per second.

3141593 rad/s = 500 kHz × 6283

Conversion table for kilohertz to radians per second

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

KilohertzRadian Per Second
1 khz 6283 rad_s
2 khz 12566 rad_s
3 khz 18850 rad_s
4 khz 25133 rad_s
5 khz 31416 rad_s
6 khz 37699 rad_s
7 khz 43982 rad_s
8 khz 50265 rad_s
9 khz 56549 rad_s
10 khz 62832 rad_s
11 khz 69115 rad_s
12 khz 75398 rad_s
13 khz 81681 rad_s
14 khz 87965 rad_s
15 khz 94248 rad_s
16 khz 100531 rad_s
17 khz 106814 rad_s
18 khz 113097 rad_s
19 khz 119381 rad_s
20 khz 125664 rad_s
21 khz 131947 rad_s
22 khz 138230 rad_s
23 khz 144513 rad_s
24 khz 150796 rad_s
25 khz 157080 rad_s
26 khz 163363 rad_s
27 khz 169646 rad_s
28 khz 175929 rad_s
29 khz 182212 rad_s
30 khz 188496 rad_s
31 khz 194779 rad_s
32 khz 201062 rad_s
33 khz 207345 rad_s
34 khz 213628 rad_s
35 khz 219911 rad_s
36 khz 226195 rad_s
37 khz 232478 rad_s
38 khz 238761 rad_s
39 khz 245044 rad_s
40 khz 251327 rad_s
41 khz 257611 rad_s
42 khz 263894 rad_s
43 khz 270177 rad_s
44 khz 276460 rad_s
45 khz 282743 rad_s
46 khz 289027 rad_s
47 khz 295310 rad_s
48 khz 301593 rad_s
49 khz 307876 rad_s
50 khz 314159 rad_s
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table