Double Ninth Festival

Double Ninth Festival in Taiwan is an annual observance that is marked on the 9th day of the of the 9th month in the chinese calendar. This means that the date varies from year to year in the Western calendar. This year, the day is Friday, October 11.

Varying Dates

The calendar date for Double Ninth Festival changes every year because it's date is based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar rather than the Western Calendar (Gregorian Calendar). This means that in the coming years, the date can vary between October 5 and October 30. As mentioned above, Double Ninth Festival will be on the Friday, October 11, 2024 this year, and next year the day will be on Friday, October 11, 2024. The table below shows the exact date and weekday for Double Ninth Festival the coming years.

YearDouble Ninth Festival DateWeekday
2024October 11Friday
2025October 29Wednesday
2026October 18Sunday
2027October 8Friday
2028October 26Thursday
2029October 16Tuesday
2030October 5Saturday
2031October 24Friday
2032October 12Tuesday
2033October 30Sunday

Double Ninth Festival in other countries

This holiday is celebrated in several countries. Two countries in our dataset around the world are celebrating or observing this day.

In the map below, you can see where the day is celebrated or marked. You can find the date by tapping the different colors on the map. You can also see if the day is a public holiday, an observed day, or a day only celebrated by parts of the country's population.

Note that the date of this holiday varies between countries even though the day celebrates the same thing.


This table gives a more detailed overview of when and where this holiday is celebrated or observed. Click on the country for more information.

FlagCountryHoliday typeDate this year
Hong Kong Public holidayOctober 11, 2024
Taiwan Observance dayOctober 11, 2024

Recommended reading

If we find good sources, we like to recommend these.

Double Ninth Festival (Wikipedia)