Calculator for Total Surface Area of a Cylinder

Alternative name: Pipe Total Surface Area Calculator

This calculator will help you find the surface area of a cylinder. The formula used in this calculator is listed below.

To use this calculator, you will need to know the radius and height.

To give you a better mental model of the cylinder, you can look at the visualization below. You can navigate the 3d-model of the cylinder as you like.


Surface Area = 1,256.637

You might also be interested in calculating the Cylinder Volume

Cylinder Surface Area Formula

Formula variable explanation:

  • C represents the surface area.
  • r represents the Radius.
  • h represents the Height.

LaTeX formula

If you are working in a TeX based editor you could use this TeX formula to calculate the cylinder surface area.

\mathrm{C}=2\cdot\pi\cdot r\cdot\left( r+\mathrm{h}\right)

How To Calculate The Cylinder Surface Area Your Self

Calculating the surface area is rather simple when you know the formula presented above. Follow these steps:

  1. Write down this formula:

  2. Then change the following variables with your values:
    1. r shall be changed with the Radius of your cylinder. As an example r could be changed to 10.
    2. h shall be changed with the Height of your cylinder. As an example h could be changed to 10.
  3. Now you can enter this in to your calculator and you will get your answer.