Convert from Cubic feet to Cubic inches

Alternative name: Convert ft3 to in3

You can use this converter to convert the volume in Cubic feet (ft3) to the equivalent volume in Cubic inches (in3).

The formula used in this volume converter is listed below. There is also a Cubic feet (ft3) to Cubic inches (in3) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 Cubic feet is the same as:

864004 Cubic inches

If you want to convert this volume the other way around, try this converter: Cubic inches to Cubic feet converter

Cubic Feet can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for Cubic feet to Cubic inches

We know that 1 cubic foot is the same as 1728 cubic inch. This allows us to set up the following formula:

volume(in3) = volume(ft3) × 1728

1728 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a volume from Cubic feet to Cubic inches

Example usage of the Cubic feet to Cubic inches formula

If you know the Cubic feet (ft3) to Cubic inches (in3) formula, then you can calculate the volume like this.

The example converts 500 ft3 to the same volume in cubic inches.

864004 in3 = 500 ft3 × 1728

Conversion table for Cubic feet to Cubic inches

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

Cubic FootCubic Inch
1 ft3 1728 in3
2 ft3 3456 in3
3 ft3 5184 in3
4 ft3 6912 in3
5 ft3 8640 in3
6 ft3 10368 in3
7 ft3 12096 in3
8 ft3 13824 in3
9 ft3 15552 in3
10 ft3 17280 in3
11 ft3 19008 in3
12 ft3 20736 in3
13 ft3 22464 in3
14 ft3 24192 in3
15 ft3 25920 in3
16 ft3 27648 in3
17 ft3 29376 in3
18 ft3 31104 in3
19 ft3 32832 in3
20 ft3 34560 in3
21 ft3 36288 in3
22 ft3 38016 in3
23 ft3 39744 in3
24 ft3 41472 in3
25 ft3 43200 in3
26 ft3 44928 in3
27 ft3 46656 in3
28 ft3 48384 in3
29 ft3 50112 in3
30 ft3 51840 in3
31 ft3 53568 in3
32 ft3 55296 in3
33 ft3 57024 in3
34 ft3 58752 in3
35 ft3 60480 in3
36 ft3 62208 in3
37 ft3 63936 in3
38 ft3 65664 in3
39 ft3 67392 in3
40 ft3 69120 in3
41 ft3 70848 in3
42 ft3 72576 in3
43 ft3 74304 in3
44 ft3 76032 in3
45 ft3 77760 in3
46 ft3 79488 in3
47 ft3 81216 in3
48 ft3 82944 in3
49 ft3 84672 in3
50 ft3 86400 in3
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table