Convert from Cubic Centimeters to Centilitres

Alternative name: Convert cm3 to cl

You can use this converter to convert the volume in Cubic Centimeters (cm3) to the equivalent volume in Centilitres (cl).

The formula used in this volume converter is listed below. There is also a Cubic Centimeters (cm3) to Centilitres (cl) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 Cubic Centimeters is the same as:

50 Centilitres

If you want to convert this volume the other way around, try this converter: Centilitres to Cubic Centimeters converter

Cubic Centimeters can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for Cubic Centimeters to Centilitres

We know that 1 centilitre is the same as 10 cubic centimeter. This allows us to set up the following formula:

volume(cl) = volume(cm3) ÷ 10

10 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a volume from Cubic Centimeters to Centilitres

Example usage of the Cubic Centimeters to Centilitres formula

If you know the Cubic Centimeters (cm3) to Centilitres (cl) formula, then you can calculate the volume like this.

The example converts 500 cm3 to the same volume in centilitres.

50 cl = 500 cm3 ÷ 10

Conversion table for Cubic Centimeters to Centilitres

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

Cubic CentimeterCentilitre
1 cm3 0.1 cl
2 cm3 0.2 cl
3 cm3 0.3 cl
4 cm3 0.4 cl
5 cm3 0.5 cl
6 cm3 0.6 cl
7 cm3 0.7 cl
8 cm3 0.8 cl
9 cm3 0.9 cl
10 cm3 1 cl
11 cm3 1.1 cl
12 cm3 1.2 cl
13 cm3 1.3 cl
14 cm3 1.4 cl
15 cm3 1.5 cl
16 cm3 1.6 cl
17 cm3 1.7 cl
18 cm3 1.8 cl
19 cm3 1.9 cl
20 cm3 2 cl
21 cm3 2.1 cl
22 cm3 2.2 cl
23 cm3 2.3 cl
24 cm3 2.4 cl
25 cm3 2.5 cl
26 cm3 2.6 cl
27 cm3 2.7 cl
28 cm3 2.8 cl
29 cm3 2.9 cl
30 cm3 3 cl
31 cm3 3.1 cl
32 cm3 3.2 cl
33 cm3 3.3 cl
34 cm3 3.4 cl
35 cm3 3.5 cl
36 cm3 3.6 cl
37 cm3 3.7 cl
38 cm3 3.8 cl
39 cm3 3.9 cl
40 cm3 4 cl
41 cm3 4.1 cl
42 cm3 4.2 cl
43 cm3 4.3 cl
44 cm3 4.4 cl
45 cm3 4.5 cl
46 cm3 4.6 cl
47 cm3 4.7 cl
48 cm3 4.8 cl
49 cm3 4.9 cl
50 cm3 5 cl
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table