Convert from Litres per minute to Ounces per minute

Alternative name: Convert l/min to fl-oz/min

You can use this converter to convert the fluid flow rate in Litres per minute (l/min) to the equivalent fluid flow rate in Ounces per minute (fl-oz/min).

The formula used in this fluid flow rate converter is listed below. There is also a Litres per minute (l/min) to Ounces per minute (fl-oz/min) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 Litres per minute is the same as:

16907 Ounces per minute

If you want to convert this Fluid Flow Rate the other way around, try this converter: Ounces per minute to Litres per minute converter

Litres Per Minute can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for Litres per minute to Ounces per minute

We know that 1 litre per minute is the same as 33.81 ounce per minute. This allows us to set up the following formula:

Fluid Flow Rate(fl-oz/min) = Fluid Flow Rate(l/min) × 33.81

33.81 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a volume-flow-rate from Litres per minute to Ounces per minute

Example usage of the Litres per minute to Ounces per minute formula

If you know the Litres per minute (l/min) to Ounces per minute (fl-oz/min) formula, then you can calculate the volume-flow-rate like this.

The example converts 500 l/min to the same Fluid Flow Rate in ounces per minute.

16907 fl-oz/min = 500 l/min × 33.81

Conversion table for Litres per minute to Ounces per minute

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

Litre Per MinuteOunce Per Minute
1 l_min 33.81 fl-oz_min
2 l_min 67.63 fl-oz_min
3 l_min 101.4 fl-oz_min
4 l_min 135.3 fl-oz_min
5 l_min 169.1 fl-oz_min
6 l_min 202.9 fl-oz_min
7 l_min 236.7 fl-oz_min
8 l_min 270.5 fl-oz_min
9 l_min 304.3 fl-oz_min
10 l_min 338.1 fl-oz_min
11 l_min 372 fl-oz_min
12 l_min 405.8 fl-oz_min
13 l_min 439.6 fl-oz_min
14 l_min 473.4 fl-oz_min
15 l_min 507.2 fl-oz_min
16 l_min 541 fl-oz_min
17 l_min 574.8 fl-oz_min
18 l_min 608.7 fl-oz_min
19 l_min 642.5 fl-oz_min
20 l_min 676.3 fl-oz_min
21 l_min 710.1 fl-oz_min
22 l_min 743.9 fl-oz_min
23 l_min 777.7 fl-oz_min
24 l_min 811.5 fl-oz_min
25 l_min 845.4 fl-oz_min
26 l_min 879.2 fl-oz_min
27 l_min 913 fl-oz_min
28 l_min 946.8 fl-oz_min
29 l_min 980.6 fl-oz_min
30 l_min 1014 fl-oz_min
31 l_min 1048 fl-oz_min
32 l_min 1082 fl-oz_min
33 l_min 1116 fl-oz_min
34 l_min 1150 fl-oz_min
35 l_min 1183 fl-oz_min
36 l_min 1217 fl-oz_min
37 l_min 1251 fl-oz_min
38 l_min 1285 fl-oz_min
39 l_min 1319 fl-oz_min
40 l_min 1353 fl-oz_min
41 l_min 1386 fl-oz_min
42 l_min 1420 fl-oz_min
43 l_min 1454 fl-oz_min
44 l_min 1488 fl-oz_min
45 l_min 1522 fl-oz_min
46 l_min 1555 fl-oz_min
47 l_min 1589 fl-oz_min
48 l_min 1623 fl-oz_min
49 l_min 1657 fl-oz_min
50 l_min 1691 fl-oz_min
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table