Convert from Kilolitres per second to Ounces per minute

Alternative name: Convert kl/s to fl-oz/min

You can use this converter to convert the fluid flow rate in Kilolitres per second (kl/s) to the equivalent fluid flow rate in Ounces per minute (fl-oz/min).

The formula used in this fluid flow rate converter is listed below. There is also a Kilolitres per second (kl/s) to Ounces per minute (fl-oz/min) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 Kilolitres per second is the same as:

1014420681 Ounces per minute

If you want to convert this Fluid Flow Rate the other way around, try this converter: Ounces per minute to Kilolitres per second converter

Kilolitres Per Second can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for Kilolitres per second to Ounces per minute

We know that 1 kilolitre per second is the same as 2028841 ounce per minute. This allows us to set up the following formula:

Fluid Flow Rate(fl-oz/min) = Fluid Flow Rate(kl/s) × 2028841

2028841 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a volume-flow-rate from Kilolitres per second to Ounces per minute

Example usage of the Kilolitres per second to Ounces per minute formula

If you know the Kilolitres per second (kl/s) to Ounces per minute (fl-oz/min) formula, then you can calculate the volume-flow-rate like this.

The example converts 500 kl/s to the same Fluid Flow Rate in ounces per minute.

1014420681 fl-oz/min = 500 kl/s × 2028841

Conversion table for Kilolitres per second to Ounces per minute

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

Kilolitre Per SecondOunce Per Minute
1 kl_s 2028841 fl-oz_min
2 kl_s 4057683 fl-oz_min
3 kl_s 6086524 fl-oz_min
4 kl_s 8115365 fl-oz_min
5 kl_s 10144207 fl-oz_min
6 kl_s 12173048 fl-oz_min
7 kl_s 14201890 fl-oz_min
8 kl_s 16230731 fl-oz_min
9 kl_s 18259572 fl-oz_min
10 kl_s 20288414 fl-oz_min
11 kl_s 22317255 fl-oz_min
12 kl_s 24346096 fl-oz_min
13 kl_s 26374938 fl-oz_min
14 kl_s 28403779 fl-oz_min
15 kl_s 30432620 fl-oz_min
16 kl_s 32461462 fl-oz_min
17 kl_s 34490303 fl-oz_min
18 kl_s 36519145 fl-oz_min
19 kl_s 38547986 fl-oz_min
20 kl_s 40576827 fl-oz_min
21 kl_s 42605669 fl-oz_min
22 kl_s 44634510 fl-oz_min
23 kl_s 46663351 fl-oz_min
24 kl_s 48692193 fl-oz_min
25 kl_s 50721034 fl-oz_min
26 kl_s 52749875 fl-oz_min
27 kl_s 54778717 fl-oz_min
28 kl_s 56807558 fl-oz_min
29 kl_s 58836399 fl-oz_min
30 kl_s 60865241 fl-oz_min
31 kl_s 62894082 fl-oz_min
32 kl_s 64922924 fl-oz_min
33 kl_s 66951765 fl-oz_min
34 kl_s 68980606 fl-oz_min
35 kl_s 71009448 fl-oz_min
36 kl_s 73038289 fl-oz_min
37 kl_s 75067130 fl-oz_min
38 kl_s 77095972 fl-oz_min
39 kl_s 79124813 fl-oz_min
40 kl_s 81153654 fl-oz_min
41 kl_s 83182496 fl-oz_min
42 kl_s 85211337 fl-oz_min
43 kl_s 87240179 fl-oz_min
44 kl_s 89269020 fl-oz_min
45 kl_s 91297861 fl-oz_min
46 kl_s 93326703 fl-oz_min
47 kl_s 95355544 fl-oz_min
48 kl_s 97384385 fl-oz_min
49 kl_s 99413227 fl-oz_min
50 kl_s 101442068 fl-oz_min
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table