Convert from Cubic feet per second to Ounces per hour

Alternative name: Convert ft3/s to fl-oz/h

You can use this converter to convert the fluid flow rate in Cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to the equivalent fluid flow rate in Ounces per hour (fl-oz/h).

The formula used in this fluid flow rate converter is listed below. There is also a Cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to Ounces per hour (fl-oz/h) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 Cubic feet per second is the same as:

1723510800 Ounces per hour

If you want to convert this Fluid Flow Rate the other way around, try this converter: Ounces per hour to Cubic feet per second converter

Cubic Feet Per Second can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for Cubic feet per second to Ounces per hour

We know that 1 cubic foot per second is the same as 3447022 ounce per hour. This allows us to set up the following formula:

Fluid Flow Rate(fl-oz/h) = Fluid Flow Rate(ft3/s) × 3447022

3447022 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a volume-flow-rate from Cubic feet per second to Ounces per hour

Example usage of the Cubic feet per second to Ounces per hour formula

If you know the Cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to Ounces per hour (fl-oz/h) formula, then you can calculate the volume-flow-rate like this.

The example converts 500 ft3/s to the same Fluid Flow Rate in ounces per hour.

1723510800 fl-oz/h = 500 ft3/s × 3447022

Conversion table for Cubic feet per second to Ounces per hour

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

Cubic Foot Per SecondOunce Per Hour
1 ft3_s 3447022 fl-oz_h
2 ft3_s 6894043 fl-oz_h
3 ft3_s 10341065 fl-oz_h
4 ft3_s 13788086 fl-oz_h
5 ft3_s 17235108 fl-oz_h
6 ft3_s 20682130 fl-oz_h
7 ft3_s 24129151 fl-oz_h
8 ft3_s 27576173 fl-oz_h
9 ft3_s 31023194 fl-oz_h
10 ft3_s 34470216 fl-oz_h
11 ft3_s 37917238 fl-oz_h
12 ft3_s 41364259 fl-oz_h
13 ft3_s 44811281 fl-oz_h
14 ft3_s 48258302 fl-oz_h
15 ft3_s 51705324 fl-oz_h
16 ft3_s 55152346 fl-oz_h
17 ft3_s 58599367 fl-oz_h
18 ft3_s 62046389 fl-oz_h
19 ft3_s 65493410 fl-oz_h
20 ft3_s 68940432 fl-oz_h
21 ft3_s 72387454 fl-oz_h
22 ft3_s 75834475 fl-oz_h
23 ft3_s 79281497 fl-oz_h
24 ft3_s 82728518 fl-oz_h
25 ft3_s 86175540 fl-oz_h
26 ft3_s 89622562 fl-oz_h
27 ft3_s 93069583 fl-oz_h
28 ft3_s 96516605 fl-oz_h
29 ft3_s 99963626 fl-oz_h
30 ft3_s 103410648 fl-oz_h
31 ft3_s 106857670 fl-oz_h
32 ft3_s 110304691 fl-oz_h
33 ft3_s 113751713 fl-oz_h
34 ft3_s 117198734 fl-oz_h
35 ft3_s 120645756 fl-oz_h
36 ft3_s 124092778 fl-oz_h
37 ft3_s 127539799 fl-oz_h
38 ft3_s 130986821 fl-oz_h
39 ft3_s 134433842 fl-oz_h
40 ft3_s 137880864 fl-oz_h
41 ft3_s 141327886 fl-oz_h
42 ft3_s 144774907 fl-oz_h
43 ft3_s 148221929 fl-oz_h
44 ft3_s 151668950 fl-oz_h
45 ft3_s 155115972 fl-oz_h
46 ft3_s 158562994 fl-oz_h
47 ft3_s 162010015 fl-oz_h
48 ft3_s 165457037 fl-oz_h
49 ft3_s 168904058 fl-oz_h
50 ft3_s 172351080 fl-oz_h
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table