Convert from Hectares to Square Yards

Alternative name: Convert ha to yd2

You can use this converter to convert the area in Hectares (ha) to the equivalent area in Square Yards (yd2).

The formula used in this area converter is listed below. There is also a Hectares (ha) to Square Yards (yd2) conversion table for your convenience.

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500 Hectares is the same as:

5979944 Square Yards

If you want to convert this area the other way around, try this converter: Square Yards to Hectares converter

Hectares can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for Hectares to Square Yards

We know that 1 hectare is the same as 11960 square yard. This allows us to set up the following formula:

area(yd2) = area(ha) × 11960

11960 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a area from Hectares to Square Yards

Example usage of the Hectares to Square Yards formula

If you know the Hectares (ha) to Square Yards (yd2) formula, then you can calculate the area like this.

The example converts 500 ha to the same area in square yards.

5979944 yd2 = 500 ha × 11960

Conversion table for Hectares to Square Yards

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

HectareSquare Yard
1 ha 11960 yd2
2 ha 23920 yd2
3 ha 35880 yd2
4 ha 47840 yd2
5 ha 59799 yd2
6 ha 71759 yd2
7 ha 83719 yd2
8 ha 95679 yd2
9 ha 107639 yd2
10 ha 119599 yd2
11 ha 131559 yd2
12 ha 143519 yd2
13 ha 155479 yd2
14 ha 167438 yd2
15 ha 179398 yd2
16 ha 191358 yd2
17 ha 203318 yd2
18 ha 215278 yd2
19 ha 227238 yd2
20 ha 239198 yd2
21 ha 251158 yd2
22 ha 263118 yd2
23 ha 275077 yd2
24 ha 287037 yd2
25 ha 298997 yd2
26 ha 310957 yd2
27 ha 322917 yd2
28 ha 334877 yd2
29 ha 346837 yd2
30 ha 358797 yd2
31 ha 370757 yd2
32 ha 382716 yd2
33 ha 394676 yd2
34 ha 406636 yd2
35 ha 418596 yd2
36 ha 430556 yd2
37 ha 442516 yd2
38 ha 454476 yd2
39 ha 466436 yd2
40 ha 478396 yd2
41 ha 490355 yd2
42 ha 502315 yd2
43 ha 514275 yd2
44 ha 526235 yd2
45 ha 538195 yd2
46 ha 550155 yd2
47 ha 562115 yd2
48 ha 574075 yd2
49 ha 586035 yd2
50 ha 597994 yd2
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table