Convert from degrees to arcminutes

Alternative name: Convert deg to arcmin

You can use this converter to convert the angle in degrees (deg) to the equivalent angle in arcminutes (arcmin).

The formula used in this angle converter is listed below. There is also a degrees (deg) to arcminutes (arcmin) conversion table for your convenience.

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360 degrees is the same as:

21600 arcminutes

If you want to convert this angle the other way around, try this converter: arcminutes to degrees converter

Degrees can also be converted to other units:

The conversion formula for degrees to arcminutes

We know that 1 degree is the same as 60 arcminute. This allows us to set up the following formula:

angle(arcmin) = angle(deg) × 60

60 is the conversion constant you need to remember to do this conversion.

The formula for converting a angle from degrees to arcminutes

Example usage of the degrees to arcminutes formula

If you know the degrees (deg) to arcminutes (arcmin) formula, then you can calculate the angle like this.

The example converts 360 deg to the same angle in arcminutes.

21600 arcmin = 360 deg × 60

Conversion table for degrees to arcminutes

This conversion table is based on the formula used above.

You can generate a conversion table for any number range by entering a start and end number range below.

1 deg 60 arcmin
2 deg 120 arcmin
3 deg 180 arcmin
4 deg 240 arcmin
5 deg 300 arcmin
6 deg 360 arcmin
7 deg 420 arcmin
8 deg 480 arcmin
9 deg 540 arcmin
10 deg 600 arcmin
11 deg 660 arcmin
12 deg 720 arcmin
13 deg 780 arcmin
14 deg 840 arcmin
15 deg 900 arcmin
16 deg 960 arcmin
17 deg 1020 arcmin
18 deg 1080 arcmin
19 deg 1140 arcmin
20 deg 1200 arcmin
21 deg 1260 arcmin
22 deg 1320 arcmin
23 deg 1380 arcmin
24 deg 1440 arcmin
25 deg 1500 arcmin
26 deg 1560 arcmin
27 deg 1620 arcmin
28 deg 1680 arcmin
29 deg 1740 arcmin
30 deg 1800 arcmin
31 deg 1860 arcmin
32 deg 1920 arcmin
33 deg 1980 arcmin
34 deg 2040 arcmin
35 deg 2100 arcmin
36 deg 2160 arcmin
37 deg 2220 arcmin
38 deg 2280 arcmin
39 deg 2340 arcmin
40 deg 2400 arcmin
41 deg 2460 arcmin
42 deg 2520 arcmin
43 deg 2580 arcmin
44 deg 2640 arcmin
45 deg 2700 arcmin
46 deg 2760 arcmin
47 deg 2820 arcmin
48 deg 2880 arcmin
49 deg 2940 arcmin
50 deg 3000 arcmin
Click any cell in the conversion table to copy the value.

If you want, you can also see all other related units of measure in this category by clicking here. The table is updated, but the start and end range of the conversion remains the same.

If you need more advanced control over the table, see here: advanced conversion table